Saturday, December 12, 2009

Pre Teen Feet What Would You Do If Your Pre-teen Was Punched In The Face!?

What would you do if your pre-teen was punched in the face!? - pre teen feet

That's what happened. My children were in the schoolyard fights with snowballs with many other children. One of my son (I did once call Tony) has created a snowball effect to life and hit a child on the face (Let's call this son of Jacques), the other boy laughed and threw a snowball in the face my children. My other son (we call Tom) have also laughed and threw a snowball at Saint-Jacques and slapped his face. James laughed and said, "Hell No" Tom and struck in the face and ran. We called the police and all the children said the same thing that happened. I am thinking seriously about it after filing charges against the boy. He is 13 years old and about 6 feet high. My son is 11 years old and 5'3 wide. I do not think Jacques has lost face. I think he should have better control. He threw snowballs and other children in the eye. Maximum capacity and hope that enough to do James Fear not again? Or leave it alone and let him unpunished!

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