Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Griha Pravesh Dates February 2010 Auspicious Dates For Griha Pravesh In June /July 2008?

Auspicious dates for Griha Pravesh in June /July 2008? - griha pravesh dates february 2010

Please let me know the opportune moment for Griha Pravesh (Apurva) in June and July 2008.

My date of birth: 18/10/1962
Birth Time: 12:20
Place of Birth: Dehradun


veerabhadrasarma m said...

after lakhs of rupees at home
U can not ask for a small fee Pandit
The date chosen as the spouse of the BR also adjustable (not) in the natural time, before the door, etc.

Darby S said...

I try to answer the e-mail address of the Pravesh my question. Can you help me?

My address is: darbynorman@yahoo.com


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